
Welcome to “Destabilizing Diagnosis: Gender, Power, and Early Modern Disability Studies,” a workshop that will take place at Attending to Women, 1100-1800: Performance. We are honored and excited to have you join us.

Our workshop…engages with the theme of Women Performing Power by examining several textual moments that are part of an emerging canon of early modern disability studies. We will explore how gender, disability, and power intersect in these different representational moments, considering identities that could be considered disempowering or destabilizing to structures of power but also what might be excluded from the field if we only center moments like these in our discourse. How might these canonical moments overpower the destabilizing potential of disability studies?

Workshop Abstract. For the full workshop description, click here.

Why a Website?

In keeping with the ethics and practices of disability studies, our goal is to ensure workshop accessibility through multiple points of contact and modes of participation. While the core of our discussions will take place in-person at the Newberry, this site will serve as virtual home for the workshop. Here you’ll find:

  • Information about the workshop and your workshop leaders
  • Readings in multiple formats
  • Questions and discussions to guide you through the reading list
  • Task prompts to help you prepare for the workshop

Beginning Tasks

Light pre-conference work will help us to build community and come to the conference ready to maximize our workshop session.

As we begin, we would like to know more about each of you, what you would hope for your seminar experience, and what you need as a participant.

We would be delighted if you could write your introductory blog post and submit your survey by Friday, September 23. However, this seminar will be operating in crip time (inasmuch as the constraints of the conference allow), and we will be flexible.

Looking forward to working with you,
Simone, Lindsey, & Bellee

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